Mission Progress

  • Windurst Rank 10, Complete.
  • Bastok Rank 10, Complete.
  • San d'Oria Rank 10, Complete.
  • Rise of the Zilart, Complete.
  • Chains of Promathia, Complete.
  • Treasure of Aht Urghan, Complete.
  • Assault Rank, First Lieutenant.
  • Campaign Rank, Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮

Salvage Progress - Skadi's Cuirie Set

  • 15 - O - O - C - O = Skadi's Visor
  • COMPLETED = Skadi's Cuirie
  • COMPLETED = Skadi's Bazubands
  • O - 25 - O - O - O = Skadi's Chausses
  • COMPLETED = Skadi's Jambeaux

Salvage Progress - Morrigan's Robe Set

  • O - O - 35 - C - G = Morrigan's Crown
  • 15 - 25 - 35 - C - G = Morrigan's Robe
  • 15 - 25 - 35 - C - G = Morrigan's Cuffs
  • O - O - 35 - O - G = Morrigan's Slops
  • O - O - 35 - O - G = Morrigan's Pigaches

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Once in a Blue Moon...

This isn't a game update, that'll come tomorrow or something. This is more of an update on where I am as of late.

No matter how much I love something...Orange Faygo, Cinnamon Poptarts, Final Fantasy XI -- the more I'm exposed to it for long periods of time, I start to grow sick of it and I need a small break.

Now, with FFXI, usually I freeze my account and boot up World of Warcraft and parade around on my Shadow Priest for a little while and then come back to my Thief in Vana'diel.

I don't do this very often for several reasons.

The key reason being, I have friends in Final Fantasy XI that depend me, people I like to see everyday and that I count on seeing everyday so I don't get all silly and think I have no friends or something.

Another less key reason, is that when I leave for weeks or a month, all my progess in my Linkshells fall apart and I come back like a new member and have to work extra hard to get back to where I was.

Honestly, it's probably not even the game. Sometimes I just feel like crap for days at a time and the only way to fix it is to change something. And since there are very few constants in my life right now, there's not much to change outside of FFXI.

Anyhow...things in-game haven't seemed ALL bad recently.

Last night I did some Campaign with my good, little friend Rudithina. I was on Thf\Nin of course, and she was on Brd\Whm. We ended up in Fort Karungo-Narungo for what was, seriously, the most epic fight since I tanked Suzaku.

Myself and Rudi had pulled a Shadowhand Cuirsser off to the side to fight and some other Thief came to kill it with us. As we get it to 90%, the Yagudo Ninja Unit come in behind us and two of them aggro on to me. So, with one Shadowhand on me and two Ninja's throwing stars and casting Ninjutsu I manage to keep shadows up, albeit taking quite a few Poisons, Slows, Bios and such along the way.

Eventually we had killed the Shadowhand and turned to our t Yagudo Friends. For awhile I was tanking both, then I took one and the other Thief took one. I kept putting all my WS on the other one, since it was weaker.

At once point, I had both Yagudo on me, with Bio\Poison on me and was at 2 HP trying to get shadows up. Rudithina by, whatever miraculous skills she posses managed to keep me between 50-100 HP for a good 10 seconds on what I thought was next to no MP. Finally when I was free of DoTs I used hide...

Fully intending to let that other Thief die while I rested.

Rudi popped a few high cures on me putting me back at 200-300 HP and I went back in, soon as I got in the other Thief used Hide, giving both mobs back to me -- figured she was paying me back and was going to run off. But she just used it for SA-WS.

Eventually we got the 2nd one down and killed the last one. It was nothing short of my most epic campaign yet.

Kallo's Most Epic Moments of Final Fantasy XI
1. Duo'ing Promathia's 2nd form with Prishe.
2. Tanking Suzaku with only a Sam and Rdm for support.
3. Me\Rudi\Random Thief vs. Two Yagudo Nin and Shadowhand Solider in Campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't hold it against you for wanting to take a break for a while, I've taken breaks at times myself :) Come back whenever you're rearing to go at it again, Campaign Buddy! I'd rather have a happy Kallo infrequently than an unhappy Kallo all the time.